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Issue 21: Regine - Mrs. Galaxy Southern Canada 2022

Updated: Sep 27, 2021

Regardless of the colour of your skin, the shape of your body, or where you come from; “Beauty is more than skin deep”. It is self-confidence, self-love, and acceptance of those around us. Everyone is beautiful in their own ways, which is why beautiful Mrs. Galaxy Southern Canada is on a mission to making the world a more inclusive and beautiful place.

Growing up in the Filipino culture, while having naturally tanned skin Regine was told that she would be “prettier” if she had a lighter complexion. She consistently experienced societal oppression based on the colour of her skin for various circumstances. Regine was sent packages of “whitening” papaya soup, told not to play out in the sun for too long as a child, and even when competing in the Philippines had a makeup artist use a lighter foundation because they didn’t have her skin tone. It wasn’t until the pandemic where Regine reflected on who she was as a person, while learning to embrace herself and the skin she’s in.

When the world shifted and Regine saw social justice being needed, she started to use her voice as an ally to many communities. From the Black Lives Matter Movement (BLM), Residential School Survivors, and Anti-Asian Hate Crimes. One of the most important topics of discussion Regine is passionate about is ending social injustices to ensure future generations do not have to encounter the societal oppression that this generation has experienced. Regine aims to become a community activist by using her voice for the voiceless. With her upcoming campaign Regine will be able to empower others of all ages and walks of life to embrace their identity, while supporting them to becoming stronger allies. Having first-hand experience as a woman of colour, Regine is no stranger to living in the westernized world. Whether you are trying to break down stereotypes, following media perceptions, or landing a career; know that you are never alone. Together we can come together as allies to building stronger communities; that provides our future generations with a beautiful world.

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